Tippecanoe School Corporation

Principal's Message

Ryan Simmons

Ryan Simmons


It is my pleasure to welcome you to Dayton Elementary School! Dayton is one of 11 elementary schools in the Tippecanoe School Corporation. We serve Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. We currently have around 400 students in our building.

We are nestled in the heart of Dayton surrounded by a community rich with tradition. We enjoy and appreciate the many partnerships we have with the Dayton community.

Our mission statement at Dayton is to “Create a Community of Learners and Leaders." We live this mission by providing quality academic instruction and working diligently to empower our students to be tomorrow's leaders.

As part of our Academic Bill of Rights, students will receive 90 minutes of reading instruction, at least 60 minutes of math instruction, and at a minimum, 45 minutes of writing instruction. Students will also be exposed to the content areas of social studies and science.

Students will receive 30 minutes of Art, Technology, Music, Library, and Physical Education each week. We are thankful for our specials and the quality of education they bring to our students.

Students who need additional support as identified through our variety of assessments will receive support through our stellar Title I staff or our special education staff.

Communication is important to our school. Please like us on Facebook to receive information. In addition, we will communicate with monthly newsletters from the office, newsletters from the classroom and our website. We do our best to keep this website up to date with pertinent information.

At Dayton Elementary, we are a family. We are excited to have you partner with us on this journey. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Your Partner in Education,

Dr. Simmons